Want to Volunteer?
Debate Kansas City depends on volunteers to judge our middle school and high school tournaments. No experience is necessary-Volunteering does not require a debate background. DKC has trained hundreds of people in the KC area to become judges. DKC provides judging sessions at every DKC tournament and on site training. We also provide online training posted below.
If you would like to volunteer please email debatekc@gmail.com our use the contact form. To know where events are occurring please use the DKC schedule.
Below is a list of resources to check out before your next DKC tournament!
Judging Resources
Judge Code of Conduct
DKC has created a code of conduct for all of our judges that you will find here
Congress Training
Policy Training
Coaching Connections
Debate Kansas City recruits mentors for debate teams through a program called Coaching Connections. Below you will find resources for members of the program.