Middle School Tournament Round-Up: Arrowhead, Coronado and University Academy

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DEBATE-Kansas City’s middle school tournament season started with growth in DKC’s marquee event, policy debate. DKC’s first three tournaments averaged nearly 300 students and 60 policy debate teams, which is the largest policy debate pool in the history of DKC’s middle school league.

“DKC tournaments have been massive this season and the policy debate growth has been tremendous,” said Isaac Allen, Program Director of DKC. “We’ve never had this many young policy debate teams and it has even tested the physical capacity of our tournament hosts.”

The DKC middle school season began at Arrowhead Middle School on October 18th, 2016 and so did the need for creative room solutions. Arrowhead Head Coach Billy Brame found debate spaces in every nook and cranny of school to accommodate 70 rounds of policy debate and student congress.

Arrowhead winners

At the Coronado Tournament on November 10th large entries continued and this time tables and chairs were set-up in the gym to find room for all DKC’s entries. The competition at both tournaments was excellent and so was the community spirit.

At the Arrowhead Tournament, after rounds were completed and everyone had eaten a pizza dinner, the students played a massive game of Simon Says. At Coronado it was a dance party with Head Coach Stefan Jones serving double duty as tournament host and DJ. In both cases the students had a blast blowing off steam together after two rounds of debate competition.

Coronado dance party

The third tournament of the semester was at University Academy (UA) on November 17th and diligent planning led by UA staff and coaches led to a great tournament with an excess of both judges and rooms. UA Middle Head Coach Sohail Jouya and UA High School Head Coach Jane Rinehart both did a tremendous job accommodating the large entry and everything ran smooth and on-time.

Please see the full tournament results below:

Arrowhead winners

Arrowhead Tournament Results


  1. Barstow
  2. Sumner Academy
  3. Foreign Language Academy

Novice Congress A

  1. Smith Hale, Andrea Morfin
  2. Smith Hale, Spencer Cunningham
  3. Coronado, FayeLynn Her
  4. LATCA, Amira Parker
  5. West, Ricardo Tello

Novice Congress B

  1. Center, Analyse Hughes
  2. Smith Hale, Paloma Earnheart
  3. LATCA, Quavon Zollar
  4. LATCA, Aniyah Washington
  5. Eisenhower, Kira Robbins

Novice Congress C

  1. Coronado, Isaiah Barnett
  2. LATCA, Sydnee Walling
  3. Eisenhower, Mayar Al-Shaikhil
  4. West, Edwin Navarrete
  5. Smith Hale, Faheem Elamin

Open Congress A

  1. Barstow, Joe Sheeran
  2. Arrowhead, SaMya Lewis
  3. FLA, Daunte Washington
  4. Northwest, Aaron Johnson
  5. Turner, Stella Barrclough

Open Congress B

  1. LATCA, Erika Scott
  2. Sumner, Erick Grajeda
  3. Sumner, Leona Whalen
  4. Coronado, Sierra Carrier
  5. Turner, Emily Russell

Open Congress C

  1. Barstow, Marc Matula
  2. FLA, Tracey Thomas
  3. Rosedale, Victoria Guerra
  4. Arrowhead, Kiersten Leach
  5. Barstow, Samuel Colombo

6th Grade Break-Out Policy Speakers

  1. UA, Elon Freemon
  2. UA, Kennedi Dewberry
  3. FLA, Sylvia Shaw
  4. UA, Briana Tolbert
  5. UA, Skye Foster

Top 10 Novice Speakers

  1. Barstow, Chris Ramsey
  2. UA, Timiah Ford
  3. Barstow, Izzy Fears
  4. LATCA, McKenzy Brown
  5. DeSion, Grace Gaither
  6. Argentine, Luis Valdez
  7. Coronado, Keiki Collins
  8. Barstow, Isa Herra
  9. Argentine, Trevion Batts

Top 5 Novice Teams

  1. Barstow, Grayson Martin & Chris Ramsey
  2. Barstow, Neha Panicker Avisha Pandey
  3. Coronado, Cheyenne Crew & Kaiya Johnson
  4. Barstow, Isa Herrera & Ayushi Kothari
  5. Barstow, Carter Michaelis & Izzy Fears

Top 5 Varsity Speakers

  1. Barstow, Rishi Malay
  2. Barstow, Phoebe Brouse
  3. Barstow, Mark Lopatofsky
  4. Sumner Academy Jaelon Brown
  5. Barstow, Saketh Balmoori

Top 5 Varsity Teams

  1. Barstow, Phobe Brouse & Jacqueline Tingle
  2. Barstow, Sebastian Newman & Rishi Malay
  3. Barstow, Mark Lopatofsky & Henry Bash
  4. Sumner Academy, Mikayla Mielkus & Jaelon Brown
  5. Barstow, Noah Waldman & Tommy Tietjen
Coronado sweeps winners

Coronado Tournament Results


  1. Foreign Language Academy
  2. Sumner Academy
  3. Coronado Middle School

Novice Congress House A

  1. Turner, Alyssa Gray
  2. LATCA, Faith Scott
  3. West, Malachi Carruthers
  4. Eisenhower, Kiyah Garlington
  5. Turner, Dillon Forester

Novice Congress House B

  1. Eisenhower, Kaeden Robbins
  2. Coronado, Jamar Davis
  3. Coronado, Giselle Alvarado
  4. Coronado, Giovanny Ochoa
  5. LATCA, Nivea Umelu

House A

  1. Sumner, Miala Davis
  2. LATCA, Ericka Scott
  3. Arrowhead, Kiersten Leach
  4. West, Edwin Navarrete
  5. Eisenhower, Kira Robbins

House B

  1. Sumner, Leona Whalen
  2. LATCA, Cyniah Clark
  3. Coronado, Kaiya Johnson
  4. Coronado, Sierra Carrier
  5. Arrowhead, Jaylen Alexander

House C

  1. Smith Hale Andrea Morfin-Valencia
  2. Smith-Hale Ericah Burgess
  3. FLA, Daunte Washington
  4. FLA, Tracey Thomas
  5. Smith Hale, Faheem Elamin

Novice Speakers

  1. Sumner, Neymara Freeman
  2. FLA, Gabriel Bates
  3. FLA, Asani Pugh
  4. Barstow, Christopher Ramsey
  5. Barstow, Mega Gunapati
  6. Argentine, Luis Valadez
  7. Barstow, Isa Herrera
  8. Barstow, Avisha Pandey
  9. Coronado, Princess Dixon

Novice Policy Teams

  1. Sumner, Neymara Freeman & Stephen Barratt
  2. Barstow, Ayushi Kothari & Isa Herrera
  3. Barstow, Sofi Gilchrist Megha Gunapati
  4. Coronado, Princess Dixon & John-Mark Calhoun
  5. Barstow, Christopher Ramsey & Faizan Khalid
  6. Barstow, Avisha Pandey & Neha Panicker
  7. Argentine, Luis Valadez & Hector Lara-Contreras
  8. FLA, Josephine Valdivia & Sylvia Shaw
  9. Barstow, Izzy Fears & Carter Michaels
  10. FLA, Gabriel Bates & James king
  11. Arrowhead, Ariana Lindsey & Neveah Sanders
  12. Argentine, AJ Heartie & Trevion Batts
  13. FLA, Kelsey Garcia & Unity Gray

JV Policy Debate

  1. Coronado, Keiki Collins
  2. Barstow, Saketh Balmoori
  3. Barstow, Rishi Malay
  4. UA, A’Myiah Long
  5. UA, Timiah Ford
  6. Sumner, Mikayla Mielkus
  7. Barstow, Mark Lopatofsky
  8. Barstow, Jow Sheeran

JV Policy Teams

  1. Coronado Raul Macinas & Keiki Collins
  2. Barstow, Marc Matula & Saketh Balmoori
  3. Barstow, Mark Lopatofsky & Henery Bash
  4. FLA, Ramon Ortiz & Connor Stanley
  5. Barstow, Joe Sheeran & Nathan Francis
  6. Barstow, Jacqueline Tingle, Riely Weaver
  7. Barstow, Jed Scott & Meghana Lakireddy
  8. Barstow, Barstow, Samuel Colombo & Sunil Reiland
UA awards ceremony

University Academy Tournament Results 


  1. Sumner Academy
  2. Barstow School
  3. Foreign Language Academy
  4. University Academy

Novice House A

  1. Center, Ethan Ford
  2. Smith-Hale, Joshonnaa Patton
  3. Rosedale, Genessa Gillispe-Hughes
  4. Center, Noah Freeman
  5. Turner, Giancarlo Urenga

Novice House B

  1. Rosedale, Dulce Villanueva
  2. Rosedale, E Sharday Jackson
  3. Center, Faith Newell
  4. Coronado, Teagan Vang
  5. Argentine, Jared Cupp

House A

  1. LATCA, Ericka Scott
  2. Smith Hale, Ericah Burgess
  3. Rosedale, Jennifer Paez
  4. FLA, Daunte Washington
  5. Arrowhead, Kristen Leach

House B

  1. West, Edwin Navarrete
  2. Sumner, Leona Whalen
  3. West, Malachi Carruthers
  4. Sumner, Naila Davis
  5. Rosedale, Victoria Guerra

House C

  1. Sumner, Areli Garcia
  2. Sumner, Erick Grajeda
  3. Eisenhower Mayar AL-Shaikhli
  4. Coronado, Jamar Davis
  5. Coronado, Sierra Carrier

Novice Policy Speakers

  1. Barstow, Izzy Fears
  2. Patton, Banner Smith
  3. UA, Briana Tolbert
  4. Patton, Kristy Diggs
  5. Patton, Leila Worman
  6. Central KCMO, Allen Brenson
  7. Coronado, Kaiya Johnson
  8. UA, Saniah Garlington
  9. Barstow, Ayushi Kothari
  10. Barstow, Isa Herrera
  11. Coronado, Princess Dixon
  12. Barstow, Christopher Ramsey

Novice Policy Teams

  1. Patton, Skye Leamy and Kristy Diggs
  2. Barstow, Izzy Fears and Carter Michaelis
  3. Barstow, Isa Herrera and Ayushi Kothari
  4. Barstow, Grayson Martin and Christopher Ramsey
  5. UA, Mauriana Lindsey and Briana Tolbert
  6. UA, Jaquez Jackson and William Udo
  7. UA, Saniah Garlington and Kennedi Dewberry
  8. Barstow, Fisher Sun and Faizan Khalid
  9. Patton, Warner Johnson and CJ Baker
  10. Barstow, Sofia Gilchrist and Megha Gunapati
  11. Central KCMO, Melody Palma and Chyna Kohler
  12. FLA, Josephine Valdivia and Sylvia Shaw
  13. FLA, Kelsey Garcia and Unity Gray

JV Policy Speakers

  1. Barstow, Jacqueline Tingle
  2. Barstow, Mark Lopatofsky
  3. Barstow, Henry Bash
  4. Barstow, Timiah Ford
  5. Turner, Cyra Chronister
  6. Barstow, Meghana Lakireddy
  7. LATCA, Darius King
  8. Turner, Bridget Vogan

JV Policy Teams

  1. Barstow, Mark Lopatofsky and Henry Bash
  2. Barstow, Jed Scott and Meghana Lakireddy
  3. Barstow, Joe Sheeran and Nathan Francis
  4. FLA, Connor Stanley and Keion Gines
  5. Sumner, Neymara Freeman and Stephen Barratt
  6. UA, Jamaiyah Amerison and Alesia McFadden
  7. Barstow, Sebastian Newman and Rishi Malay
  8. Barstow, Marc Matula and Saketh Balmoori
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